Jesus; The Baby; The Man; Our Savior
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! My Christmas gift to you is a summarized story about Jesus that you can read to your entire family, tonight or tomorrow. Short, succinct, and truthful… Jesus, born, then placed in a manger, weathering the external elements and with animals surrounding Him, is about as humble a beginning as any being can…
Read MoreHope in Jesus
By now almost everyone knows the story of Jesus: from conception to birth and his 33-year life span on earth. Each year millions of people flock to churches to re-live the greatest story ever told and feel the warmth and love of our Lord and Savior. I am not going to replay that story, but…
Read MoreThe Sin of Human Idols
Lately, God has put it on my radar to notice how people idolize people. First, and foremost, this is against Commandment #1 of the Ten Commandments. Based on chronological order, it seems God felt this was the most IMPORTANT. You shall have NO other gods before me!” (Exodus 20:2-17) Idolizing people manifests in many forms:…
Read MoreGod is Waiting for YOU!
Many people cry out “God, where are you? I need you, but cannot find you in my despair and darkness.” “I cannot feel your presence.” Does this sound like you? If so, the real question is are you actively looking for God? If you are claiming to seek God, but not finding Him, I swear…
Read MoreYou Cannot Out Give God
Many people decide they cannot afford to tithe 10% to God, but what we (yes, “we” includes me sometimes) forget is His PROMISE to fill up our storehouses for us if we will just be obedient and trust Him. Knowing the God of our Bible the way I do, it appears that God truly wants…
Greetings all! I have returned from a much-needed vacation with my family and a week at the beach with my youngest grandchildren. I am taking my own advice about self-care, which feels amazing! It is time to get VERY serious about our attitude of servitude and this sermon will help lead you home. The FINAL…
Read MorePeace Found from Resting in God
Calmly resting in the arms and promises of God results in peace. A peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7) Jesus told us “I leave you with MY peace, not the peace of the world… (John 14:27) These scriptures intimate that there is a peace available to us that we do not fully understand and…
Read MoreSelf-Care in the Age of Technology
God did not make us to be active 24 hours a day. He made us sleep at night, work during the day, and rest in Him in between these activities. If you look at people prior to technology you will observe humans who were PHYSICALLY active, healthier, and happier just providing for, interacting with, and…
Read MoreThankfulness in the Turmoil
The world sure is getting crazy. Wars, rumors of war. Children dislike their parents, natural disasters (earthquakes unlike any ever seen before are promised) and of course the ever-present, political divide that we can see for ourselves as the starting phase of the prophesized wars. (Matthew 24:6) Jesus told us these “signs” would be the…
Read MoreCurrent Technology and The Mark of the Beast
This sermon is going to be brief and more technical than usual but it is imperative that you can put all these puzzle pieces together as a pathway to forcing everyone to take the mark of the beast! Jesus told us to beware because “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I…
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