Spiritual Blindness
This week has been one of great challenges and unexpected news. It has also brought into my life physical blindness in one eye, thus creating many emotional responses and initiating many interesting thoughts. One is “What would I do if I become completely blind?” “Who can I trust to lead me in the darkness and…
Read MoreThe Greatest LOVE Story Ever Told
Many people have heard the Bible/Jesus’ life described as the greatest story ever told, but I contend that the Bible is truly the greatest LOVE story ever! As we plod through life, going to church, listening to sermons, participating in workshops, or doing workbooks, we often miss the most important point of God’s love, discipline,…
Read MoreYour Tests are God’s Testimony
Sometimes the trials we face in life seem overwhelming and daunting. At times we feel as though we will never experience happiness or joy again. We often feel weighted down with lead and feel we will surely sink to the bottom of the abyss without ever recovering. It is at these times of despair that…
Read MoreFor the Greater Good
Lately, we hear a lot about changes and sacrifices we need to make for the greater good. The “greater good” means to supposedly improve the quality of life for all people. At least that’s what “they” tell us. We also read a lot about people being taken over by governments and “leaders” in many older,…
Read MoreDealing with Difficult People and Situations
Life can be odd in an interesting way. After writing “Choose Kindness” last week, apparently, God decided He would test me and see if I live as I write. Some of you are aware of the situation at the DMV this week, but please bear with me as I summarize it for our ministryofmercy.com website…
Read MoreChoose Kindness
As often happens, I had one sermon chosen and God had a different one. As I was waking my mind up this morning playing a word game, a story came across my phone. The title queued my interest and I spent an hour listening. Although it was presented as non-fiction (true), my research leads me…
Read MoreDon’t Wait Until It’s Too Late
A few days ago I was relaxing and letting my mind drift. I started thinking about my childhood and how I couldn’t wait to turn 18 and be able to live life on my terms. Then I thought about how I joined the Air Force at 18 and although there was a lot I didn’t…
Read MoreWhole Body Health
Whole body health includes our physical, mental, and spiritual being(s). Many people focus on one part or another but are remiss in addressing their entire being as each part is connected to, and dependent on the others. Just as the church requires each person to do their part, your whole health requires attention to each…
Read MoreAccepting and Respecting Each Other
I had planned another sermon for today, but a situation arose that made this subject the most important to discuss right now. First and foremost, showing respect for each other DOES NOT require agreeing. Accepting each other despite our differences is what unites us as one in Christ. We ARE Jesus’s hands and feet on…
Read MoreNew Year; New Life – YOUR Choice
Everyone reading this has survived 2024, which we know is never a given. Many of us have lost family members and friends…my heart goes out to you. While you are alive you choose eternity in heaven or suffering in hell. Although most people reading this have chosen heaven, many overlook the fact that all humans…
Read MoreMoney Cannot Buy Love, Happiness or Godliness
I continually hear people talk about needing more money. I often witness people who put their “treasure” in the bank and live a miserly (meager) life, seeing the bank account increase, but never enjoying the fruits of their labor. My psychologist puts it like this “If I don’t fly first class, my children will.” I…
Read MoreIntentional Life Improvement
I felt this was the perfect subject as we are getting ready to enter a new year. It is a new chance with 365 days of opportunity to make our lives better than they have ever been before. It is God’s WILL that we live peaceful, happy, prosperous, and fulfilled lives. He set this plan…
Read MoreReaching Out and Giving
This sermon will be short and to the point. Although many of us get excited and happy during the Christmas season, a lot of people get depressed. There are vast numbers of people who are alone and lonely. Others suffer depression due to losing loved ones, being deserted by family members, or because they are…
Read MoreGod’s Rules Protect You
Many people think that God arbitrarily made up a lot of rules to quell human rebellion and to make us obedient robots. This sermon will show you that God made rules to protect and guide us into having a happy, fulfilling life. God’s Word has many do’s and don’ts. I will discuss a few and…
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