Self-Care in the Age of Technology  

God did not make us to be active 24 hours a day. He made us sleep at night, work during the day, and rest in Him in between these activities. If you look at people prior to technology you will observe humans who were PHYSICALLY active, healthier, and happier just providing for, interacting with, and caring for their families.

Families normally arose at daybreak and started their chores. For women it was cooking, cleaning, making clothes, getting water, and preparing food while caring for the younger children. The older children went out with dad and fed the animals, tended the crops, mended fences, repaired broken equipment, and then ate breakfast and got ready for school.

People worked from day break to sun down, then they gathered for prayer, dinner, and reading from the Bible in the evening by candlelight, firelight, or an oil lamp as things progressed. Although people were busy, they were not overwhelmed with messages, phone calls, solving problems 24/7, and what I call being ON CALL and ON ALERT (MENTAL STRESS) all the time. They physically worked their bodies which we know is healthy, and ate food grown and prepared at home, which was definitely non-GMO HEALTHY nutrition (GMO = Genetically Modified Organism – which is, by the way, what MRNA injections do to you! They modify you!) and then fed their minds with the loving and encouraging Word of God. Life wasn’t easy, but people were happier because they lived uncomplicated lives.

Now we do the opposite. We are so inundated with information, people unloading their problems on us and dealing with our own problems that we are constantly physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted. We are worn out in the worst possible way; no endorphins or weight control from physical work, but our adrenals our completely depleted from a constant barrage of negative inputs. So much so that many people don’t have time to rest and restore The Word of God and His promises. We don’t have time for meaningful interactions with our family and friends, let alone focus on self-care.

Today’s world causes us to feel overwhelmed because of information overload and being pulled in too many directions. It leaves us feeling guilty because we don’t have the time or energy to be present for our family and friends when they need us. By being present I mean able to devote time and energy really focusing on their needs and problems. Spending time cooking and talking really connected people and filled their emotional needs.

Instead, modern lifestyles leave us ill and depressed and each day is a battle rather than the joy God meant it to be. We don’t take time to relax in God’s Word, meditate, listen to soft music, or just relax quietly with no noise. If we did take adequate time for self-care by shutting out a lot of the noise and spending time talking with God, then many of the illnesses (physical and mental) would simply go away. So how do we survive in this world while belonging to, and needing a totally different place to live and thrive?

First, take an honest assessment of your life, how you spend your time and energy, and how you feel. (Physically, mentally and spiritually) Make notes and journal your daily activities. Note how you feel while doing those things that take up most of your time and energy. Include work, social media, texts, messenger, twitter, emails, tv, etc. Note EVERYTHING you do, how well you sleep (refresh and restore), and how you feel when you wake up in the morning.  Do these things make you feel happy, peaceful, and refreshed? If not, time to make some changes!

Second, search the word “peace found in the Bible” and you will find a plethora of helpful information. Read Psalm 23. I mean REALLY MEDITATE on Psalm 23:2.

23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”

This one scripture alone leads you to where God is, standing ready to provide all you need, give you peace and rest, restore your body and soul, keep you company, and comfort you. He abundantly supplies what you NEED for a happy, peaceful, and fulfilled life! He protects and guides you. He gives you what you need on this planet and He will resurrect you to the place He has prepared for you, where you will no longer feel pain, experience sorrow and you will be RESTORED! (See Revelation 21:3-4 below) Heaven is home. This is just a place to live, and grow in humanity and righteousness while helping others until you are called home! In other words, this place is TEMPORARY!!!!! Focus on storing up heavenly/eternal treasures.

Revelation 21:3-4 “And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

As you proceed with your life assessment, remember that God came to not just give us life, but to give us abundant life! (John 10:10) That doesn’t mean more material things (you don’t own things, things own you) but rather improving your QUALITY of life is the goal. Removing the majority of the “noise” and focusing on things and people that are important to you. Giving 1% to 100 different things makes us feel stressed, overburdened, worn out, and like we aren’t really making a difference in our lives and the lives of others. Choosing your top 5 to 10 priorities gives you focus and you won’t be spread too thin! The #1 priority needs to be self-care because if you are sick, tired, unhappy, and frustrated, you really have nothing significant to offer others.

Self-care includes a healthy diet, ample sleep, life-giving activities (meaning activities that make YOU feel happy and alive!), exercise (even if it is just walking a little every hour), coupled with meditating to soft music, quiet time, and doing a creative activity you enjoy. In other words, ACTIVELY taking care of your physical body!

Self-care for your mental welfare is of particular importance in this world because it will inundate you with far too much information and constant interaction with others. Care for your psyche by limiting how much and how often you let outside sources penetrate your mind. Do not depend on social media for your “fix” of people who affirm you, make REAL human connections with people who support and affirm you! Turn off the TV, phone, and computer for a significant part of your day. Let your mind rest and be at peace by doing something fun and creative. Turn off the constant noise and “mostly” allow in only the sweet melodies of life…

Last, but not least, connect with God several times a day. Keep your thoughts righteous, positive, and affirming. Get in touch with your Spirit and allow His knowledge, discernment, and comfort to envelope you all day and night. Read The Word and get closer to God with each passing day because surely as each day passes we are all getting closer to standing in front of God on judgment day. Learn His ways, and His desires, and walk the path He has laid out for you.

In summary, self-care is extremely important to your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Technology and the constant buzz of noise in your life are detrimental to your welfare and ability to thrive. Especially if that “noise” is negative. (Remember, noise can come from within as well as external) Nature, peace, creativity, physical activity, mental stimulation (without overstimulation), and a healthy diet are critical to your health and well-being. Don’t procrastinate. Start today. I promise if you follow God’s lead on this subject the rest of your life will be far more pleasant and enjoyable than your past. Amen.

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Love, hugs, and blessings, Lisa ><>

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