Whole Body Health   

Whole body health includes our physical, mental, and spiritual being(s). Many people focus on one part or another but are remiss in addressing their entire being as each part is connected to, and dependent on the others. Just as the church requires each person to do their part, your whole health requires attention to each…

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Accepting and Respecting Each Other

I had planned another sermon for today, but a situation arose that made this subject the most important to discuss right now. First and foremost, showing respect for each other DOES NOT require agreeing. Accepting each other despite our differences is what unites us as one in Christ. We ARE Jesus’s hands and feet on…

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New Year; New Life – YOUR Choice

Everyone reading this has survived 2024, which we know is never a given. Many of us have lost family members and friends…my heart goes out to you. While you are alive you choose eternity in heaven or suffering in hell. Although most people reading this have chosen heaven, many overlook the fact that all humans…

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Money Cannot Buy Love, Happiness or Godliness

I continually hear people talk about needing more money. I often witness people who put their “treasure” in the bank and live a miserly (meager) life, seeing the bank account increase, but never enjoying the fruits of their labor. My psychologist puts it like this “If I don’t fly first class, my children will.” I…

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Intentional Life Improvement

I felt this was the perfect subject as we are getting ready to enter a new year. It is a new chance with 365 days of opportunity to make our lives better than they have ever been before. It is God’s WILL that we live peaceful, happy, prosperous, and fulfilled lives. He set this plan…

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Reaching Out and Giving

This sermon will be short and to the point. Although many of us get excited and happy during the Christmas season, a lot of people get depressed. There are vast numbers of people who are alone and lonely. Others suffer depression due to losing loved ones, being deserted by family members, or because they are…

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God’s Rules Protect You

Many people think that God arbitrarily made up a lot of rules to quell human rebellion and to make us obedient robots. This sermon will show you that God made rules to protect and guide us into having a happy, fulfilling life. God’s Word has many do’s and don’ts. I will discuss a few and…

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Don’t Let Man or Emotions Lead You to Sin

I will get right to the point tonight. I am seldom speechless, but what I saw last night rendered me so and put me in deep mourning for the souls of people who consider themselves Christians, but…might be grieving the Holy Spirit. It is a very bad idea. Look it up in the Bible. It…

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God is the Ultimate Judge

As we fight for an agreeable moral compass and leader for our country, the Book of Judges plays over and over in my mind as a way to understand HOW God does things and a path to end the infighting. Although the Book of Judges is quite violent, complicated, and confusing, it gives us a…

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Fear NOT!

Proverbs 29:25 “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” (Man will mislead you. God will bring you home!) I think our entire nation is on pins and needles. The world as well, for where the USA goes, so goes the world. As our election nears everyone is…

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