God is the Ultimate Judge
As we fight for an agreeable moral compass and leader for our country, the Book of Judges plays over and over in my mind as a way to understand HOW God does things and a path to end the infighting. Although the Book of Judges is quite violent, complicated, and confusing, it gives us a direct insight into understanding God’s MO (the way He thinks and does things). We can use this information to ensure we think and act in a way God considers righteous.
I have done the hard work for you, but this will be one of the most important and technical sermons I have ever written. To fully understand how God accomplishes His will among men, we must understand that the Book of Judges was written when people had no king and it repeats “because they had no king, everyone did what was right in their own eyes.” This is REPEATED over and over in this book. This is a battle we currently face in the USA and around the world. Even leaders around the world do what is right in their own eyes, thus we are constantly attacking each other because of our own PERCEPTIONS of what is right in our eyes. That is why Jesus is referred to as our King because only He is sinless and can lead us down the right path.
The best path to follow is what is RIGHT in GOD’s EYES. It gives us a true moral compass that bears no argument from anyone who is truly a Christian. The Bible and the teachings of Jesus are CLEAR on how we are to act, and react and what the measuring scale will consist of when we stand alone, naked, and in front of Jesus on judgment day. There will be no excuses then and no one to blame our failures on: it will be just you and God.
Before I start the “meat” of this sermon, I must point out that a country divided is destined to fall. (A house divided will fall – Luke 11:17). There is NO WINNER if only half the people get what they want. I am asking you to look at our country and elections in a different way. If there is a winner, then there is a loser. The goal should be a win-win situation for all. That DOES NOT mean that everyone does right in their own eyes (remember the recent sermon about the plank in your eye?) but rather as a country we were FOUNDED and SUCCESSFUL based on certain rights and understandings. God and His ways ARE the center of our foundation.
Yes, we have had a violent and painful past that put some groups ahead of others, but we have also come together and tried to right those wrongs. When certain things like slavery, women fighting for rights and equality, etc. came into focus MANY people came together and fought to right these wrongs. For the most part, they were successful, however, in ALL SOCIETIES there is a definite hierarchy, and likely that will always be a sad truth.
True equality is very unlikely because of the inappropriate value humans place on things like money, power, fame, etc. Just remember that God looks at our hearts, but people are, and always have been fallible and we should be careful who we idolize. Do not seek equality, but seek the approval of God and all will be well in your soul and life. He is our guide, and protector and is looking out for our welfare! However, ever since the Book of Kings, (Around 900 BC) people begged God for a human leader, so He answered our cries. Because we asked for a human leader, God wrote guidance on that too.
Romans 13:1-2 “Every person must obey the leaders of the land. There is no power given but from God, and all leaders are allowed by God. The person who does not obey the leaders of the land is working against what God has done. Anyone who does that will be punished.”
Those two verses are not what most people want to hear, but there they are. It is not up to us to choose which Bible verses we will follow and which ones we will ignore. They are ALL critical as they are direct guidance and commands from God. That is one reason it is best to know the Bible as thoroughly as possible.
The Book of Judges helps us understand HOW God tried to lead His people before installing kings. At a time in history (around 1000 BC) God had already saved His people from enslavement in Egypt and had mapped out a plan where people followed Him without human rulers. He sent the 10 Commandments as the rule book and expected His people to follow those rules. As we all know that didn’t go so well, so God appointed “judges” (centralized leaders) to help the people return to God.
In the Book of Judges God’s people went through cycles of obedience, disobedience, judgment, (captivity) repentance, repeat, repeat, repeat! To liberate His people from their captivity God chose certain people who were called “judges” to free His people from their captors after His people begged God for relief from the pain and suffering they were experiencing as punishment for disobedience…especially for worshipping idols who required sacrificing children.
It is important to note that these “judges” had MANY flaws and were not supremely moral people. They were humans USED by God to liberate His people from their self-induced captivity, but it was HIS morals and commands that He expected them to obey. He wanted His people to follow His commands and never used judges who were supposed to be followed as leaders. I believe we can say the same about our leaders today…
I believe problems arise when we expect the people God uses to liberate us from our “captors” (who cause us pain and suffering) to be superior and highly moral humans. THEY ARE HUMAN and no better than you or me! They are flawed and have made their mistakes. They will continue to make mistakes as will we. They were not appointed by God to be our moral compass, but rather to liberate us from other leaders who were leading us down a path to hell or chosen to punish us.
God wants us to follow Him, Jesus’s example, and all the precepts and commands in the Bible. We are not to spend our time judging the people God sent to either punish or liberate us, but rather recognize that some leaders allow us to become more successful, safe, and free than other leaders. Regardless of the leader chosen, we are required to obey them. Romans 13 above makes that VERY CLEAR!
I write this sermon for two reasons. One is to tell you that pounding our chest in victory or spewing hate language as the so-called losing side, is NOT part of God’s plan. As His children, we are supposed to be focused on the Kingdom of God and not attacking or being boastful with each other. GOD is in charge so if you are either boasting or complaining, you are taking credit for what He has done or rebelling against His WILL for us.
Two, it is important to understand that God will punish His people if we continually sin and break His commands. Murdering babies is not OK. Lying, stealing, cheating, hating, and acting immoral, etc. is NOT ok. Having idols above Him (and that includes playing games or watching TV all the time rather than studying His Word) is NOT OK!!
God is deeply grieved when His people suffer, but He is a God of justice. He is also a fair and loving Father who will not hesitate to punish petulant children to get us back on the right path. He will also severely punish an immoral nation that has completely turned their back on the morality of God. It isn’t cruelty, it is an attempt to redeem us before we destroy ourselves.
I hope and pray I have been able to enlighten you today. I ask that you reevaluate your life and life choices. I beg you to turn to God, repent, and ask Him every morning “How can I serve and follow you today.” Do not think just because God gave us a reprieve from our perceived captivity that it will last if our prayers stop and we become complacent again. The Book of Judges tells you that is not God’s MO and He will not tolerate us sinning and turning back to our old ways. This is a chance for a NEW BEGINNING. Take it. Read the Bible, Stay in The Word, and DO what it says. Then all will be well in your life. Love, hugs, and blessings, Lisa ><>
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