Don’t Let Man or Emotions Lead You to Sin
I will get right to the point tonight. I am seldom speechless, but what I saw last night rendered me so and put me in deep mourning for the souls of people who consider themselves Christians, but…might be grieving the Holy Spirit. It is a very bad idea. Look it up in the Bible. It…
Read MoreGod is the Ultimate Judge
As we fight for an agreeable moral compass and leader for our country, the Book of Judges plays over and over in my mind as a way to understand HOW God does things and a path to end the infighting. Although the Book of Judges is quite violent, complicated, and confusing, it gives us a…
Read MoreFear NOT!
Proverbs 29:25 “Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” (Man will mislead you. God will bring you home!) I think our entire nation is on pins and needles. The world as well, for where the USA goes, so goes the world. As our election nears everyone is…
Read MoreJudgement and Personal Blindness
Matthew 7:1-5 “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how…
Read MoreDeadly Sins
Well, I can see last week’s sermon about kindness and respect was mostly ignored, so you probably aren’t going to like God’s message this week. However, ignoring The Truth of God’s Word doesn’t make it go away, so I write in confidence that some of you understand you NEED to learn what your human nature…
Read MoreKindness and Respect
As I begin this sermon, I would like to point out that neither kindness nor respect requires you to AGREE with one another. Kindness comes from within you and how you treat others. The Bible is very clear that we are to exhibit kindness in all situations. Respect is required in that you give others…
Read MoreEthics
This week I will be interviewed by local college students on ethics. I consider being asked to do this as a privilege and an opportunity to help shape the future of our country and possibly, our world. We should all be prepared to be interviewed about ethics and be able to explain to others ethical…
Read MoreYour Legacy
Legacy: The long-lasting impact of the actions during a person’s life. (positive or negative) Each of us should consider the legacy we leave behind. Part of our legacy is how we treat, act, and behave toward others, especially in front of our children, grandchildren, etc. THEY are the legacy we leave this world and if…
Read MoreGratitude is the Right Attitude
Life throws us a lot of curve balls. For me, the heart attack 2 years ago and then finding out a few weeks ago that I have had at least one TIA (mini-stroke) has given me pause to think. Think about life and ponder death. It has made me consider what kind of quality of…
Read MoreSpiritual Blindness
This week has been one of great challenges and unexpected news. It has also brought into my life physical blindness in one eye, thus creating many emotional responses and initiating many interesting thoughts. One is “What would I do if I become completely blind?” “Who can I trust to lead me in the darkness and…
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