Healing From God

Healing is actually quite a controversial biblical/God subject. Not because people don’t see miracle healings or believe the ones they read in the Bible, but because people always question “Why him/her and not me? Or why that person, but not that person? The answer is simple and difficult all at the same time. My first…

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Habits of Godly People

My sermon will discuss the habits, acts, and behavior of godly people. I personally believe the most difficult requirement is to “Treat others better or equal to yourself.” Even the most devoted Christians have fought and argued with me on this point until I show them the Bible says it three times. (Three times is…

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What is Marriage to GOD? (Hint: Serious Business)

Marriage is a very interesting subject of which there are diverse ideas, reasons, and consequences. The answers you receive often depend on whether you speak to a secular or religious professional. However, it is one of the most misunderstood social contracts (concepts) and definitely misinterpreted from a godly perspective. Sadly, many people marry for the…

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Relating Biblical Last Days to Today

For centuries people have been convinced we were in the last days according to Bible prophecy, however, a careful reading of the Book of Revelation (notice it doesn’t have an S) proves that the technology to fulfill prophecy hasn’t existed until today. I always warn you of technology and people who are very dangerous to…

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Less is More

Greetings from San Antonio. I must apologize for missing a sermon here and there. My heart, cholesterol, and blood pressure medications are having a HUGE (negative) impact on my life. At this point, it is difficult to stay awake for even a few hours and my memory suffers from medication fog. Not sure what the…

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Humility and Vulnerability

Humility and vulnerability are two of the most difficult traits to hone and display to others. Both seem to indicate that we must overcome the fear of how others see us: OUR FEAR of judgment! All of us present a façade to the world and to become humble and vulnerable requires we allow others to…

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God’s Definition of Health

Greetings all. I apologize for missing the last two Sunday sermons. Life happens and it certainly did. On December 31, 2023, I had an exact replication of my heart attack symptoms and ended up spending 3 days in ICU. Much has happened since then, but most importantly I came to understand what health is, what…

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Jesus; The Baby; The Man; Our Savior

MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! My Christmas gift to you is a summarized story about Jesus that you can read to your entire family, tonight or tomorrow. Short, succinct, and truthful… Jesus, born, then placed in a manger, weathering the external elements and with animals surrounding Him, is about as humble a beginning as any being can…

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Hope in Jesus

By now almost everyone knows the story of Jesus: from conception to birth and his 33-year life span on earth. Each year millions of people flock to churches to re-live the greatest story ever told and feel the warmth and love of our Lord and Savior. I am not going to replay that story, but…

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The Sin of Human Idols

Lately, God has put it on my radar to notice how people idolize people. First, and foremost, this is against Commandment #1 of the Ten Commandments. Based on chronological order, it seems God felt this was the most IMPORTANT. You shall have NO other gods before me!” (Exodus 20:2-17) Idolizing people manifests in many forms:…

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